Thank you for your interest in learning how to help your child on the spectrum!
You only need to register if you want to access the files in the “Learning’ Area. We have worked hard to gather all of this information into one place for ease of access for our support group members from Facebook (support group can be found here) and the general public who aren’t in the support group. We want everyone to have the ability to access this important information.
Because we are a nonprofit, we need your support!
Once you register, you will be redirected to the membership page where you can pay a very small fee ($0.10/day, billed monthly or annually) to access the files we have gathered. Funds are used to help maintain this website and to help create more educational content. They are also used to further our mission of educating about the benefits of cannabis for autism by allowing us to present our information at conferences and expos.
We appreciate your support! We are continuously adding content.
To be kept in the loop, when you register for the paid members area you have the opportunity to join our email list where we will send emails to notify you of new webinars, blogs, website content, surveys, survey results, and presentations.
Information is power and we want to support and empower you to help your child. ❤️